
Through our natural herbal medicine, our goal is to find the best way to address all of your health and wellness needs.

What is Herbal Medicine?

Although modern life has made our living conditions much more comfortable, our stress level has increased. This is more than just our work-life balance, but stress inside our bodies from our eating habits and environmental stressors.
In eastern medicine, your body’s well-being is dependent on balance between the Yin (“water”) and Yang (“fire”). Stress causes our bodies to build “fire. “Fire” is also exacerbated by poor modern diets including fast food, and soft drinks. Once this heat is generated, a signal is sent to various parts of the body such as the stomach, lung, liver, gallbladder, and large intestine. This can cause a person to suffer from many disorders such as:

⦁ Anxiety ⦁ Acne ⦁ Insomnia
⦁ Headaches ⦁ Shoulder pain ⦁ Panic attacks
⦁ Chronic inflammation ⦁ Constipation ⦁ Tinnitus

To help remedy these conditions, the principle of “Cooling the Fire and nurturing Yin (“water”) is used to restore the body back to balance.
Herbs are a safe and natural treatment for many common health conditions. Herbs are prescribed by our board -certified herbalists and are dispensed as formulas specially created to treat your symptoms in various forms including pills, capsules, powders, and decoctions.

Although modern life has made our living conditions much more comfortable, our stress level has increased. This is more than just our work-life balance, but stress inside our bodies from our eating habits and environmental stressors.
In eastern medicine, your body’s well-being is dependent on balance between the Yin (“water”) and Yang (“fire”). Stress causes our bodies to build “fire. “Fire” is also exacerbated by poor modern diets including fast food, and soft drinks. Once this heat is generated, a signal is sent to various parts of the body such as the stomach, lung, liver, gallbladder, and large intestine. This can cause a person to suffer from many disorders such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Acne
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Panic attacks
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Constipation
  • Tinnitus

To help remedy these conditions, the principle of “Cooling the Fire and nurturing Yin (“water”) is used to restore the body back to balance.
Herbs are a safe and natural treatment for many common health conditions. Herbs are prescribed by our board -certified herbalists and are dispensed as formulas specially created to treat your symptoms in various forms including pills, capsules, powders, and decoctions.

Tonic Herbs

Herbal medicine has been prevalent throughout history. Even to this day, more than seventy percent of all people around the world are dependent on natural medicine, implying that people are taking herbal medicine to address various ailments.

Over fifty percent of Eastern medicine practices involve Eastern or Korean herbal medicine. With herbal medicine, a practitioner is not only addressing the symptoms but also the root imbalance in a patient. By combining several herbs into a formula, energetic imbalances are regulated, balanced, and harmonized. Herbal medicine complements acupuncture and helps expedite the healing process. It helps balance the body as a whole and allows for healing to take place by strengthening the body’s innate healing system.

Tonic Herbs

Of their many benefits, tonic herbs help boost a person’s energy level, strengthen and regulate the immune, endocrine, circulatory, digestive, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. By supplementing, nourishing, and enriching vital energies, tonic herbs help speed healing, rejuvenate, and regenerate your body, mind, and spirit. Many are known adaptogens, which means they help us adapt to various internal and external stresses, facilitating the assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins from our bodies. There are four categories of tonic herbs: Qi, Blood, Yin, and Yang. Qi tonics boost vital energy, Blood tonics build blood, Yin tonics increase essential fluids, and Yang tonics enrich fire or heat in the body. In other words, tonic herbs give an overall tune-up for your entire being.

Three Treasures

Traditionally tonic herbs help strengthen three distinct but interrelated primary energies that make up life: Jing or Essence, Qi or Vital energy, and Shen or Spirit known as Three Treasures.

Jing is the most physical among the three. It is inherited at conception, stored in the Kidneys, and closely related to the hormones and reproductive energies. It is the root of energy, vitality, and longevity. Jing is lost primarily through excessive sexual activity in men and childbirth in women. It can also be lost due to stress, anxiety, and an improper diet.

Qi is the vital life force that animates our bodies. All movements, including blood circulation, breathing, or motor activities, arise from the Qi. It is also closely related to your immune, digestive, and respiratory systems. Qi is mainly produced in the Lungs and Spleen.

Shen is your spirit and conscious mind. As the most important of the Three Treasures, it is stored in the Heart and relates to compassion, tolerance, wisdom, and higher knowledge. It is also the radiance that manifests forth from one’s eyes.

Jing is like the wax and wick of a candle; Qi is the candle flame; Shen is the radiance given off by the candle.

Yin Yang Tonics

Yin represents the nutritive processes and substances of the body. When the Yin is strong, the body is strong, moist, well nourished and fertile. When the Yin is in excess, the body, or the individual organ, becomes sluggish and damp. When the Yin is weak, the body is weak, dry, deficient, and can flare up with heat. There can be sensitivity to heat, weight loss, insomnia, hot flashes, dryness and sometimes dizziness and heart palpitations. This presentation of symptoms is known as Yin deficiency, a very important TCM medical concept. To treat Yin deficiency, TCM herbalists use Yin tonic herbs. These herbs generally nourish and moisten the tissues and increase nutritive forces.

Yang represents the heat and metabolic processes of the body. When the Yang is strong the body is energetic, warm and powerful. When the yang is in excess, the body becomes inflamed. When the yang is weak the body is fatigued, cold and weak, often to the point of exhaustion. There can be symptoms of low back pain, impotence, diarrhea, and weakness in the four extremities. These symptoms are known as Yang deficiency. TCM doctors use Yang tonic herbs to treat Yang deficiency. These herbs are generally warming and drying. Chinese research has shown that many of these herbs benefit the endocrine system (Bensky & Gamble 2004).

Winter Herbs


When we look at the effects of our Family handed down Yin Yang Tonic, it will mainly benefit patients who are lethargic, have memory loss and are susceptible to catching common cold or flu. In addition, patients suffering from stress and chronic fatigue will benefit from this Tonic. We have also had great success with post-surgery recovery. Some patients have reported additional benefits related to their reproductive system; regular menstrual cycle, increase stamina, E.D., etc.

Tonic Main Ingredients are:

Dang gui (Angelica) contains phytochemicals that help boost white blood cell production and fight inflammation, and may improve liver and kidney function.

Shu Di Huang ( Rehmannia, Chinese Foxglove Root) Tonify blood for blood deficiency with dizziness, pallid complexion, palpitations, insomnia.

Huang Qi (Radix Astargali), more commonly known to Westerners as Astragalus, has immune boosting properties in addition to many more favorable attributes.