Acupuncture Services
Acupuncture is a form of Eastern medicine utilizing the insertion of fine, hair-thin needles into highly specific points on the body.
Acupuncture has been used to treat illness for millenia throughout Asia. More than one third of the world’s population seeks out acupuncture treatments to help restore and maintain physical, emotional and mental health.
Herbal Medicine
Herbs work internally to regulate and balance the body’s “Qi” or vital energy. Herbs are dispensed in various forms including pills, capsules, powders, and decoctions.
Boiling raw herbs into a tea is considered to be the strongest form and therefore has the greatest therapeutic effect.
Cupping Therapy
Special cups are placed on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. Cupping is known to improve blood circulation and loosen up muscles and joints. It also helps treat pain, inflammation, stimulate blood flow, relaxation, and well-being as a type of deep-tissue massage.
When cupping increases blood circulation, physiologically it activates the immune system and stimulates the mechanosensitive fibers, thus leading to a reduction in pain.
Electro Acupuncture
E-Stim” uses a tens unit to stimulate the needles for a deeper connection. The micro-current helps decrease pain and breakup knots and crimps in the body.
Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy is often used to release muscle tension, alleviate chronic pain involves using a tool to rub the skin in long strokes, applying enough pressure to break down scar tissue and connective tissue, improving movement in the joints, which is both therapeutic and diagnostic of injured areas.
Nutritional Counseling
Commonly treat
⦁ Anxiety | ⦁ Gas, Bloated | ⦁ Cronic cough |
⦁ Panic attack | ⦁ Depression | ⦁ Acne |
⦁ Insomnia | ⦁ Irregular period | ⦁ Eczema |
⦁ SIBO | ⦁ Hay fever | ⦁ Allergy |
⦁ Autoimmune desease | ⦁ Ears, nose, throat | ⦁ Immune system |
⦁ Headache | ⦁ Indigestion | ⦁ Neck, shoulder, lower back pain |
Acupuncture is a form of Eastern medicine utilizing the insertion of fine, hair-thin needles into highly specific points on the body.
Acupuncture has been used to treat illness for millenia throughout Asia. More than one third of the world’s population seeks out acupuncture treatments to help restore and maintain physical, emotional and mental health.
Herbal Medicine
Herbs work internally to regulate and balance the body’s “Qi” or vital energy. Herbs are dispensed in various forms including pills, capsules, powders, and decoctions.
Boiling raw herbs into a tea is considered to be the strongest form and therefore has the greatest therapeutic effect.
Cupping Therapy
Special cups are placed on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. Cupping is known to improve blood circulation and loosen up muscles and joints. It also helps treat pain, inflammation, stimulate blood flow, relaxation, and well-being as a type of deep-tissue massage.
When cupping increases blood circulation, physiologically it activates the immune system and stimulates the mechanosensitive fibers, thus leading to a reduction in pain.
Electro Acupuncture
E-Stim” uses a tens unit to stimulate the needles for a deeper connection. The micro-current helps decrease pain and breakup knots and crimps in the body.
Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy is often used to release muscle tension, alleviate chronic pain involves using a tool to rub the skin in long strokes, applying enough pressure to break down scar tissue and connective tissue, improving movement in the joints, which is both therapeutic and diagnostic of injured areas.
Nutritional Counseling
Commonly treat
⦁ Anxiety | ⦁ Gas, Bloated |
⦁ Cronic cough | ⦁ Panic attack |
⦁ Depression | ⦁ Acne |
⦁ Insomnia | ⦁ Irregular period |
⦁ Eczema | ⦁ SIBO |
⦁ Hay fever | ⦁ Allergy |
⦁ Autoimmune desease | ⦁ Ears, nose, throat |
⦁ Immune system | ⦁ Headache |
⦁ Indigestion | ⦁ Neck, shoulder, lower back pain |